Can anyone help me to identify this dendrobium? I have had it for several years and can't get it to bloom although it grows well. I've tried keeping it dry in the winter without success. This year I am watering it weekly. It has black "hairs" all along the stalk. Any suggestions on culture?
It seem to be Dendrobium in hirsute group like thos of Den.dracornis.Which now had alot of hybrids mostly crossed with Den.cruentum and Den.formosum and so.
Faamui(Vanda coerulea)
Thanks for the info Faamui. Do you know if these types of Dendrobiums like a "rest" period or a drying out period in the winter? After looking at a picture of the flower they produce I wold love to get this one to bloom. Any tips you have to offer would be appreciated.
I have den. frosty dawn, and the canes look a lot like yours. I got it in the spring, it's much smaller than yours, but it didn't bloom this year. In fact, the only signs of life I saw were the leaves staying green and the canes not shriveling up!
Come winter I did cut back on the watering quite a bit. A good throrough soaking about once a week, and now there is a new cane about an inch tall
Could be the light. Right now in Alaska we have about 5 hours of sunlight a day. (It "warmed" up to -2 yesterday, a veritable heat wave!) I have it under flourescent lights but maybe they aren't strong enough.
Could be the light. Right now in Alaska we have about 5 hours of sunlight a day. (It "warmed" up to -2 yesterday, a veritable heat wave!) I have it under flourescent lights but maybe they aren't strong enough.
Maybe you should move it into one of the two Orchidariums..... oh wait..... there's no room for it in there because of all the other Orchids.
Just kidding my love...You know I support your Orchidiction.
We have a three story house and the Orchidarium is on the second floor with the bedroom on the third. I love walking down the steps on our dark winter mornings and rounding the corner to see the bright lights, green foliage, and various blooms of Orchids. What a neat hobby.
Last edited by Mr. Failingflopsis; 01-07-2009 at 07:35 PM..
Mr. Failingflopsis
I though The light that the plant recieved are not enough you may find out that how many lux of light that these section needed may be adding more will make it bloom. Your plant have the blooming size already. The grow-luck lamp may add. Hope it will be on blooms soon.