Hi in the last three months I have branched out from phals and the odd sympodial cym or odonto type of orchid and purchased these two Dendrobiums at a local supermarket. Are these the type that need a winter rest and drying off, or should I keep them moist all year.
The yellow one is in flower now, the purple one was producing a new spikw but due to the fact we had no heating or hot water for a week up to Christmas Eve, it got a bit cold and the new buds have died at the infant stage.
Hi Hedge,the first picture shows an "Emma" type Den. hybrid and the other two,Dendrobium phalaenopsis hybrids.Very much a case of keeping moist,with plenty of light, all year round.
Thanks Simon, some what busy lately and for got to check for replies on this thread. Apologies for my bad manners
Will take care of them as you suggest although the Emma one is not doing too well, one of the canes has lost all its leaves. They were paler green when I bought it and I think it may have got cold in shipment. Keep persevering, that's my motto!