Maitaman, thanks for the ID - I think you're right! At least I know what to look for when it blooms.
I took the following photos as I repotted - click on the images for larger photos:
First, I worked loose all the existing potting materials. I soaked the plant and pot in water to soften everything up and used my fingers and a hose to get the old mix out.
After some more soaking to soften the roots, I removed the plant for the pot. Yes, I did lose some roots but not many. As you can see from the photo above, many of the roots are dead and will need to be removed.
This is the plant with the dead roots and old growths removed, as best as I could get it. I then soaked it in a systemic fungicide before repotting.
Repot complete - I put styrofoam peanuts in the bottom of the pot, added a little potting mix, zip-tied the plant into the pot and added the rest of the mix. The biggest mistake I've learned from is to not bury the plant in the mix as this will lead to rot in my conditions.
Keep your fingers crossed that it takes off!
(I am a bit unsure as to the best way to pot this plant - I have a few Schom.'s which are all mounted and I have a couple Broughtonia hybrids which are potted. I ended up going with potted as that's how I got it but...)