Originally Posted by isisfernandezviquez
Hi, I am from Costa Rica, I just started into the orchids... but I am crazy about it....... I am looking for the name of this orchid, I took the picture, please help.
Hola Isis, bienvenida en OB!
Do you have another pic of this plant? maybe with the flower completely open? Picture of the plant as well?
However, from your picture, I can say it seems to be an Hybrid. As it is the case with most hybrids (there is some exceptions to this!) it is almost impossible to determine accurately the name of it, without the input of the breeder. That's why it is so imporatnt to keep the labels with our plants.
On the other hand, your plant has a beautiful colour... I hope it has open wider than in the picture you posted, so that you can enjoy it in its full potential...