Another bargain purchase I've made and not sure what it is. It had a generic Oncidium tag on it, but I thought it may be a Miltassia instead? I thought it looked like a "Charles M. Fitch" but what do I know?
Also, the second picture is the underside of one of the leaves. Is this a virus or something else?
Could be a Miltassia but you might also want to consider a Beallara which are getting to be quite common - I see them often here at Home Depot and Lowes. I have one with similar colors to yours but the flower is slightly different in form.
Very pretty plant! I agree it looks like a Miltassia Chas Fitch. I have a 'Dark Monarch' . The spots on the leaves look a lot like the "scars" I get on the leaves from scale after the bug is killed and gone. It sometimes leaves a dent and even turns brown. But it could be something else! Who knows?
I paid $5 for the plant from Lowes Clearance Rack. I also got two Paphs for $1 each.
Susiep, hopefully you are right. I'd hate for it to be virus. I also have an Oncidium Wildcat that has the same type of spots on it's leaves (I bought it that way without knowing any better).
Well, I guess it could be a virus, but I think it is just damage from bugs. I haven't ever had a virus on my orchids, but I believe it looks different than that. Bigger spots with lots of yellow. Plus the leaves die and fall off. Maybe an expert will give advice on that.
OK I am going to have to have a talk with my HD and Lowes about these great prices for Orchids. We never get anything different always Phals. pink or white.
Sheridan, I had to negotiate with a Manager for the prices on these. It surprised me that they had anything like these at Lowes. Someone told me they had the Paphs and I didn't believe them until I saw it myself.
I may post over on the Pest & Disease board to see if what is on the leaves is a virus.