Last week I posted 18 pics under "lets play name this orchid . I finaaly got the pics on there. So can you help me ident. the 18 I have posted. If it has a flower I basicly know what is is I need the given name Likefor an exzample (BLC. Brass Hawaiian Leapard )
If it has no flower I need to know what it is. Either a catt or a brass or a phal, ect.
EXCEPT the very last one I need all the info for it. Please..... Alot of people are saying it a Phal. I think it's a it's some were along the line of a Kramerianum ???? not for sure. Please help it's driving me crazy not nowing. Thanks
Linda, I don't think a flowering orchid can be precisely ID'd without the tags. There are just too many crosses out there. I'm sorry. That white phal could be a million different variations. I have one that looks like that called June Hill, but there's also Yukidian, White King, etc. So many it can make your head spin.
That #4...could that be a Trichoglottis??? See I don't know for sure.
I don't think your search will have a happy ending, but I hope I'm wrong.
I'm thinking # 4 is a pot. Epi. From what I've seen. But again I don't know either. I can tell you one thing when i or if I ever move my orchids from one place to another I will not let my husband and kids help.HA HA LOL.