Originally Posted by taipan
Sorry Junebug but they are either a Doritis or Phal hybrid - inclined to say Doritis. Rhync's have a distinct "notch "on the end of the leaf.
Sorry Taipan - I didn't have time to read all posts fully earlier as I was running around getting the lamb on etc. I didn't notice you'd specifically mentioned Doritis and I think you were spot on there - that or a cross with a phal, perhaps.
If the plant wasn't so unusual (especially the underside of the leaves) I would never have bothered you all with it until it flowered, but it's been driving me nuts.
I'm going to try moving one of them into bark but I'm very nervous about this. I keep thinking of the first rule of medicine which as I remember it goes "first do no harm". They're happy in charcoal and are seemingly thriving - the roots seem to shoot out seasonally, then go dormant so I figure it's no problem that they aren't going nuts year-round. Ah well, bark is easier to get than charcoal and doesn't need grading and washing. And given the price of fuel these days, buying a bark mix at the local hardware store is probably cheaper than a 4-hour round trip to my distant uncle's place.
Oh, the lamb was perfect and I went with the beer option if you were wondering, Taipan.
Thanks everyone.
PS - the only taipan's I've met in the past have been most unfriendly and unhelpful. I've nearly trodden on two that I can recall offhand, one actually chasing me a short distance, so it's nice to meet a friendly one!