Originally Posted by Swamper
Going thru a phaius is pretty funny but now Im stuck on that pronunciation. I just bought several ground orchids which I just planted...IN THE GROUND...was I not supposed to? The guy at the place I bought said it was ok. Either way the leaves look like yours Roly and they ar stayin in the ground now. I'll show you pics later.
I've read other articles about Phaius planted in the ground in shady areas and doing well. I've never owned a Phaius. The previously posted photo is my first Spathoglottis and second terrestrial and it was incredibly pot bound when purchased. After a few hours work I managed to separate it into several plants and planted them all into the ground except for one. The planting media I used consisted of a mixture of bark, peat, a little sand (to acclimate it to Florida's soil) and some sponge rock. My greatest concern is the potential for crown rot during our rainy season.
with your new terrestrial!