Hi again,
I have 3 first blooms (for me) Can anyone help me with the Miltonia and the Phals.
Also i have 2 chids the first (#4) says Onc Bamp. All. The hand writing is very sloppy so it could be something along those lines. I had no luck finding anything with those abbreviations, I know its an oncidium. And Number 5 i don't even know what genus it belongs to. Encyclia maybe? I'm a beginner so......
Hybrid phals are nearly impossible to accurately name if you don't have the original tags - there are just far too many similar crosses. You will have better luck with #4/5 when they bloom. Is the miltonia all white? Or is it cream/pale yellow - hard to tell from the pic.
I Know the phals were a long shot, but i tried anyways.
The Milt is more a pale buttery yellow now this time it bloomed it is more darker yellow.
About the other 2 I guess if nobody else knows what the bamp all stands for i'll have to wait a while because I believe they are a long ways from flowering.
The miltonia is actually a miltonopsis. Google Miltonopsis and see what you can find. For the phals, the only way to find a true name is to send DNA samples to taxonomists. They have been so bred that many crosses look almost identical but have very different backgrounds. The 4th pic could be an oncidium, wilsonaria, Iononcidium or something else in that alliance. The 5th pic could be a Cattaleya or and Encyclia or something within the alliance. No way to tell exacts wihthout flowers but maybe this will help to steer you in the right direction.