it looks like an oncidium- sorry, i don't have much experience in identification. i just wanted to answer this asap because i know you are probably anxious. AOS | Oncidium
don't worry, more experienced people will chime in and give you wonderful advice. good luck and welcome.
The flowers are small only about 2 inches. There's 1 main branch with many small branches off that with flowers on it and no leaves. I'm not much of the plant person but i really like this orchid and might even get more.
Colmanara was my thought. Your plant looks pretty healthy, and if I'm not totally blind, I see a new spike starting in the lower right of your pic. These guys are very forgiving, and willing to please! Give it fairly bright light, let it dry out slightly between watering, and enjoy.
The plant looks very healthy. I hope that it grows and produces well for you. I agree that it looks to be from the Oncidium family, and should be relatively easy to care for. Good luck.
I am sincerely sorry about your loss, and will keep you and your late husband in tonight's prayers.
if you have any questions, don't hesitate to post them here if you cannot find the answers. Most people wait until its too late and ask help for an orchid that might not make it, i know i did. Good Luck and God-Bless.
Thank you everyone for your help with my new orchid. And thank you for your prayers. My husband was 39 and run over and killed by a drunk driver on May 10. I have 3 young boys and am trying to keep myself together for them. I received many flowers but this orchid is going to be a challenge, and I'm not afraid of challenges.
I was wondering about the dry looking roots at the bottom of the leaves. Are they roots? Do I need to trim them off or trim anything else off the plant? When the flowers are spent do I trim the spike off?