I purchased this NOID dendrobium at a show and would like to know what "kind" or "type" it is to better care for it. I like learning so anything you can tell from looking at it would be great (i.e. soft or hard cane, nobile or den-phal). This is my first den so I've looked up care for different types, but cannot figure out which group this belongs.
My guess is that the canes look shriveled. It seems to be potted in a medium bark underneath that sheet moss. I've soaked it for 20 minutes in 100 ppm N solution weekly since I got it and the canes have plumped up. Every new orchid I get browns a little from the lower humidity (NOT squishy). It's in a west window in 9b (75 degrees F, 50% RH).
I've also run out of Kelpak, so I'm going to order more of that. Thinking about trying to the "Optimal Growth Package" but I just missed the sale.