What exactly is the diff bet D. palpabrae and D. farmeri?
I have a NOID. It is a species and I found what I thought was it's tag. It says D. palpabrae, but I swear the plant looks more like the description I have read for D. farmeri. What are the definitive differences....or is my anal-side showing??
As per IOSPE from King's post above -
"This species is often confused with D. farmerii as the flowers and growth habit are very similar. The major difference is the length of the stem of the flower which is longer in D. palpebrae and has a more open look to the flower and has more spacing between the loosely, 6 to 10, fragrant flowers on the raceme, which arises at the nodes just below the leaves as well as being less pendant. "
See, that is the weird thing. The tag says palpabrae; however, the raceme emerges from the top of the little pbulb, droops down and has well spaced flowers (~6 to 10)...so, do I have a combo. The flowers are very open. I need to post a picture, huh. This is more an academic debate, the plant doesn't care, but I find this fascinating. Who is this little plant, according to our pattern recognizing eyes? Thanks for your posts, so far. I do appreciate the input
Thank you Don but I was quoting from the IOSPE - credit goes to those who contribute to that site -
I'm just handy with copy and paste and gathering information quickly