I've had these for a couple years. I lost their tags if they ever existed and any, even general description would help me find the best location and culture recommendations. The two mottled ones look identical to me. Thank you!
Sorry, it's not possible to get even close without name tags. The two with very spotted leaves might have bellatulum group ancestry, but maybe not. The one with a bud might be in the Maudiae group of hybrids.
Fortunately culture is similar enough for most Paphs that it won't matter. Keep them moist at all times. Repot every 1-2 years. Those two suggestions are the most important. Give bright shade but not direct sun. When they flower it might or might not be possible to guess a little closer.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.
I agree with ES that they cannot be ID’edbwithout a tag or even hazard a guess without seeing them flower. I do see the parentage differently though. In the first one I see some delenatii and the second some venustum. The third is anyone’s guess.
I agree that the first one very well could be delenatii with the markings and the leaf shape. Blooming it would be an easy ID. Also agree that the second has strong venustum (or wardii) foliage vibes. There are also some hybrids in this section but if it is a species (or even primary) that can be a simple ID also.