Originally Posted by A. thom Aberdares
Yeah, I now also belief it is the one. I have gone through the IOSPE Polystachya list a few times, but dismissed Polystachya parva for being too white and altitudes too far apart. The difference in whiteness can have many reasons and because the species is rather small the altitude data can be less accurate. In another site it is also mentioned as cool growing.
"It's a cutie, I want one", no problem, when you are in Kenya I can show you one.
I thought it looked a little 'clean' too, but I've seen myself the difference that temp/light can have on colouration in 'white' blooms - I feel like the lip, the maroon column, as well as the small size and habit all fit, though.
I'm originally from South Africa, so I might take you up on that when I'm home at some point.