Originally Posted by Roberta
It looks very dehydrated, too. This can be due to the scale, or not being watered enough (once a week may not be sufficient) or bad roots so that it can't take up water. You may want to take it out of the pot and look at the roots to see their condition - whether too much water (rotted roots) or not enough.
Check the roots sounds a good idea, I'll definitely do it. And yes, I thought that watering only once a week would not be enough. I'm treating the scale with a mixture of 1 L of water, 2 tbsp of baby oil and 2 drops of dish soap.
And tomorrow I'll check the roots to see if they are dehydrated or rotted, to know what are the next steps.
---------- Post added at 08:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:40 PM ----------
Originally Posted by rbarata
Welcome aboard Medule!
When you say "collect them" do you mean collect as in collection or collect them in the wild?
Thanks you! It's a pleasure and really exciting to join the community, to learn and to see too much passion for the orchid world.
I meant that I'm starting my collection

Sorry, I'm from México, maybe its a vocabulary gap haha and I'm not using the words correctly.