Roberta, yeah, it is almost totaled! I hate to see plants that have been abused and trashed like this. Because of my attitude, I occasionally visit one of the larger local nurseries which has a large houseplant section to include orchids. Lately they must have a new source, because they've been getting in a lot of different orchids.
Typically a number of the plants are too far gone in order to save them, but occasionally I'll find some which are "salvageable" given a lot of TLC. I have two Zygo Amandas in bloom now that were basically trashed by them earlier in the spring. I have a Hilo Sparkle that has just sent up a huge spike and should open soon.
I get a lot of enjoyment out of saving these guys, knowing I've helped them recover and they in turn reward me with their blooms. I think I can get this latest one to recover too before winter sets in and everything has to be moved inside. Winters in Pennsylvania are tough, but I put them in a room which gets a good amount of light and I supplement it with several Frit grow lights I purchased at Home Depot. By March / April they are beginning to show the effects of being inside, but around mid April they again go outside and regain their vigor. I love doing this.