I lost the tag. Can you identify? It’s a Better-Gro bag baby from Home Depot or Lowes last year. The flower is about 1.5 inches across and smells like lilac. I tried a reverse image search, and google suggested Cattleya labiata (a species), but I’m pretty sure this is a hybrid. Thanks.
Looks like a dead ringer for C. Star Parade! Does that ring a bell with your lost tag t_howell?
estacion seca,, I just looked up the ancestry and I was super surprised to see that L. anceps is nowhere to be found. Would have guessed it was mostly bifiate cattleya and anceps.
Whatever it is, I'd just call it gorgeous. Sure am jealous that there isn't anyplace around here that sells bag babies... but maybe that's a good thing for me.
__________________ Caveat: Everything suggested is based on my environment and culture. Please adjust accordingly.