Thank you, I'm very pleased with my Phals.
Interesting you should say it may have gotten a little too much sun as it was in a pot outside in a courtyard which got hit each day with full Queensland sun - sometimes around 40deg C.
But I think you're on the right track with the sphagnum as it only started browning a couple of months ago when the moss started to change to that dark green colour. They've probably been in it for 18mths now so when it's finished flowering this time round, out it will come and into some other media (probably the same media as my Phals).
Most of my Phals have moss on the top to help keep some moisture in as they are only watered once a week.
Pretty much all of them are due to have new media this next year as they have been in the current media for a good two years now (Bark, Charcoal, Perlite, and a little moss).
Now I have to learn about Oncidium care a little more as I've never looked at them before.
I actually have two, both came out of the same pot but only one in spike at the moment, so I'll give the other some fresh media next weekend and manage their water a little more.
Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it.
Cheers from DownUnder