Culture in California shouldn't be too hard for you. In fact - these are particularly hard to kill. They withstand full direct sunlight or shade, and a very broad range of temps. Dry rest in Winter and keep the frost off it. :-)
Thanks Andrew- Yeah, it is REALLY tough. It was massively neglected before I took ownership of it, then I let the frost get to it while I was on Christmas vacation. Any culture tips for me? I'd like to take care of it properly. Also, what about dividing it? Should I or shouldn't I?
Well, I'm guessing you don't have to worry about frost for a while now... hehe But through Spring and Summer, give it a good liquid fertiliser and regular waterings - let it go dry between waterings.
Mix should be well-draining... i.e. 20-50mm pieces of bark, rock, scoria, coir chunks, etc. This plant occurs here as an epiphyte and lithophyte and should be cultivated that way.
Dividing is ok to do during the growing season. It will also throw up keikis (babies) at the tops of some canes. These can be removed and cultivated as new plants - but only once they've matured.
I'd give it a couple of hours of direct sunlight in the first half of the day - or dappled sunlight all day, whichever you can provide.
D. kingianum is as tough as nails and quick to grow. Pretty soon, you'll be giving plants away as presents to all your friends and family... They'll love it and you don't have to say it didn't cost you a cent! HAHA