I have one that is very similar... I got it labeled as Den friedericksianum, needing warmth and no rest period, with yellow flowers. It bloomed (being in the greenhouse with watering all winter), and this is what I got. Not yellow. The vendor from whom I got it said that it looked like Den. nobile. It sure does, but doesn't grow like one. I have labeled mine Den. sp ... Considering the source, pretty sure it's a species. Den. nobile likely has different populations (it comes from a wide elevation range, from 200-2000 m) with different cultural needs and growth habit. This one has long, fairly thin and pendant canes, blooms very nicely being warm and watered all winter. (It's getting ready to bloom again) So it very well may be Den. nobile even though it is receiving conditions that are supposedly "wrong" for the species. (If it grows and blooms, obviously not wrong for this plant...
