I got this orchid at a orchid sale and I did not get the name of it .
I have had it for 1 and 1/2 years its finally blooming and looks great.
One problem don't know what kind it is.
It is some kind of cane orchid that is on a small wood slab, and has thin thin roots
This is such a beautiful orchid, I have been growing orchids for about 3 years now.
Finally all of my time is paying off. Its like sky rockets around here eveything is just popping out and growing and flowering.
I have them everywhere and everykind you can think of some real nice ones.
Thanks again,
It's all very confusing...from what I can tell Den. aphyllum was also called Den. pierardii, but is now called Den. cuculatum. Pierardii is a uniform pink color, cuculatum has pink petals and a white/cream lip. Though I am sure if we wait a week or two the taxonimists will change this around yet again
I've never met an orchid I couldn't kill...
if you want to get the species name verified, send an inflorescence to a taxonomic authority. AOS website has a list of taxonomists that they 'approve' - I suggest AOS because if you were to receive an AOS award for your plant, assuming it is a species, it would have to be identified.
If you're close to Marie Selby Gardens, that would be a place to start.