It is an Oncidium-tribe intergeneric (a combination of several related genera) Beyond that, there are several hybrids that look similar. Unless you can contact the original grower, it's going to stay a (very pretty) NOID. Care for these is pretty much the same - small bark, kept damp but not soggy (let dry somewhat between waterings but not totally dry), filtered light (protect from direct sun) and intermediate to cool temperatures (10 deg C /50 deg F minimum)
Many thanks for your comments! I purchased this one recently and the label did not have more information. I will keep it as an Oncidium intergeneric hybrid. I guess the Twinkle hybrids cannot be confused with this one, right?
Thanks again
Twinkle hybrids tend to have much smaller flowers (but lots of them) Names of the various intergenerics have been changing with the reclassification of their component genera, but this one looks to me like it has considerable amounts of Odontoglossum, maybe Miltonia, and/or Brassia in the mix. Other Forum members are much more up-to-date than I am on this group of hybrids and may be able to come up with some options for the human-made genus.