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Old 08-24-2019, 01:23 PM
katrina katrina is offline
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Originally Posted by Swimmingorchids View Post
***Quote removed by Admin due to foul language***

Seriously?! Enough w/the hissy fits over anything and everything Ray does. You really need to get over yourself!

From what I can read...Ray wasn't saying anything negative about you or your comment. If anything...he was trying to pay you a bit of a compliment...which is likely more than I would've done given the fact that you actually suggested someone might be able to ID an orchid via pic on the web. Any IDs based on pics from anywhere can and will most likely be wrong. There are some species that are so distinct that it's easy to ID them from pics but most any hybrid...the best you might be able to do is guess at some of the parentage. Maybe. And that is a BIG maybe.

No matter...we do have a Mod and when she gets back from vaca...she will see your post. I am not offended by crass language...I have a bit of a potty mouth myself... but I respect others and therefore I would not use that language on here as it is offensive to some members.

When you're playing in someone else's play by their rules. Perhaps you would be wise to remember this. Just saying...

Last edited by camille1585; 09-14-2019 at 05:01 AM..
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Old 08-24-2019, 02:03 PM
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Anon Y Mouse

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Hanlon’s Razor

I am not being argumentative. I am correcting you!

LoL Since when is science an opinion?

Last edited by AnonYMouse; 08-24-2019 at 02:23 PM..
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Old 08-24-2019, 04:12 PM
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Originally Posted by katrina View Post
Seriously?! Enough w/the hissy fits over anything and everything Ray does. You really need to get over yourself!

From what I can read...Ray wasn't saying anything negative about you or your comment. If anything...he was trying to pay you a bit of a compliment...which is likely more than I would've done given the fact that you actually suggested someone might be able to ID an orchid via pic on the web. Any IDs based on pics from anywhere can and will most likely be wrong. There are some species that are so distinct that it's easy to ID them from pics but most any hybrid...the best you might be able to do is guess at some of the parentage. Maybe. And that is a BIG maybe.

No matter...we do have a Mod and when she gets back from vaca...she will see your post. I am not offended by crass language...I have a bit of a potty mouth myself... but I respect others and therefore I would not use that language on here as it is offensive to some members.

When you're playing in someone else's play by their rules. Perhaps you would be wise to remember this. Just saying...
We may not have to worry about such infantile tantrums any longer. Marty gave him a 99-point infraction for profanity with the note "one more time and you're banned for good". I think this may do it.
Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
Try Kelpak - you won't be sorry!
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Old 08-24-2019, 04:45 PM
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Originally Posted by kvet View Post
This is why I said they all look the same to me .

Well, I have enough information now, sorry to have created the ruckus
You weren't the one who created the ruckus... a person who clearly has a bunch of psychological problems created the ruckus. And that problem is being addressed. Abusive people get banned from the forum.

Please continue to contribute and to ask questions. Orchid taxonomy is complicated, and made even muddier with the human-made genera (plural of genus) that mix and match the natural ones that will breed together. Add that to new knowledge about what is actually related to what from DNA analysis, and the whole thing needs a really robust cross-reference. There's logic in there, just takes patience and a willingness to roll with the nomenclatural punches. And for a new orchid grower, most isn't terribly important to figuring out how to grow the various types of orchids. The more you learn about where the ancestors of these hybrids grow in nature (and under what conditions) the more it will make sense.
Orchids teach patience!

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Last edited by Roberta; 08-24-2019 at 05:05 PM..
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Old 08-24-2019, 07:39 PM
Paul Paul is offline
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I concur with the others' tentative IDs as well as the caution voiced by Ray and Katrina. Your plants will forever be NoIDs (no ID plants). There are simply too many lookalike hybrids out there and hybrids in which there can be a surprising amount of diversity in color and form. Doesn't mean you can't enjoy them for what they are ... very pretty flowers.

Originally Posted by kvet View Post
Well, I have enough information now, sorry to have created the ruckus
Pish-posh, Kvet, you by no means created a ruckus. That distinction goes to SwimmingOrchids who, as you can see, is a complete git.

Originally Posted by Roberta View Post
Galeopetalum is an intergeneric hybrid (human-made) in the Zygopetalum group. It is Zygopetalum x Galeottia in varying combinations - usually mostly Zygopetalum. Other genera that are closely related breed with Zygopetalum, letting the the hybridizer expand the color palette of the Zygos and also breed for other characteristics.
To piggy back onto Roberta's comment and further address your own regarding "them all looking the same"... With crosses of closely related plants, there can often be less visible differences in the offspring -- especially if certain traits turn out to be strongly dominant.

Originally Posted by katrina View Post
Seriously?! Enough w/the hissy fits over anything and everything Ray does. You really need to get over yourself!
Not much chance of that it would appear.

Originally Posted by katrina View Post
From what I can read...Ray wasn't saying anything negative about you or your comment. If anything...he was trying to pay you a bit of a compliment...
Which would have been abundantly clear to most people.

Originally Posted by katrina View Post
...which is likely more than I would've done given the fact that you actually suggested someone might be able to ID an orchid via pic on the web. Any IDs based on pics from anywhere can and will most likely be wrong. There are some species that are so distinct that it's easy to ID them from pics but most any hybrid...the best you might be able to do is guess at some of the parentage. Maybe. And that is a BIG maybe.

And should you be unaware of that simple reality, you really should consider doing some research,

Originally Posted by katrina View Post
When you're playing in someone else's play by their rules. Perhaps you would be wise to remember this. Just saying...
For that matter, if your grasp of the English language is that weak, your ego that big, and/or your skin that thin then perhaps forums are not the best place for you to frequent.

Last edited by Paul; 08-24-2019 at 07:45 PM..
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Old 08-24-2019, 08:10 PM
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kvet, you should never get a definitive name from a random person on a message board (unless they are the original grower/hybridizer). Someone above mentioned the qualifier "like" and that should be acceptable.

Is it important to know the taxonomy? Sometimes.

If you stick with the hobby, you'll pick up the differences, name the genera. Many of us like a good game of "guess the genus" with pix.

Ultimately, if you (generic "you") want a named plant, buy a named plant.

Now, to this other business:

Good riddance!

Although, I do remain curious about how it all evolved.

Ray is Ray and I often depend on him to clarify and expand on a subject I merely gloss over.
Anon Y Mouse

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Hanlon’s Razor

I am not being argumentative. I am correcting you!

LoL Since when is science an opinion?
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Old 08-25-2019, 08:22 AM
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I will gladly admit that I get "professorial" (apparently also known as "Going Bill Nye") at times. That's just how I am (I suppose you should feel sorry for my wife), but in these forums, we see a LOT of the same, basically unanswerable-as-asked questions and incomplete, sometimes downright incorrect answers, so it seems to me that trying to help folks understand the "why" behind the "what" ought to helpful.

Maybe my repetition of some of those concepts is bothersome to folks, so I apologize, but I find the lack of understanding to be very bothersome - do folks want to learn how to care for their plants or just remain ignorant? There's a great deal of ignorance out there already (just look at our political scene). In this area, at least, the solutions are relatively simple.
Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
Try Kelpak - you won't be sorry!
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Old 08-25-2019, 09:20 AM
kvet kvet is offline
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Thank you all The general IDs help satisfy my curiosity (and has been understood any specifics were more educated conjecture than anything). They give a starting place when it comes time to transplant, and provide any adjustments to care if their health changes. The orchids appear to be doing quite well after two years of mostly hands-off care other than watering and drawing the blinds to give some morning light, so I don't plan on doing anything different right now. Since they have been growing more the last couple months than previously, they'll need some monitoring.

Many thanks again for the discussion and addressing my questions!
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