Originally Posted by Swimmingorchids
***Quote removed by Admin due to foul language***
Seriously?! Enough w/the hissy fits over anything and everything Ray does. You really need to get over yourself!
From what I can read...Ray wasn't saying anything negative about you or your comment. If anything...he was trying to pay you a bit of a compliment...which is likely more than I would've done given the fact that you actually suggested someone might be able to ID an orchid via pic on the web. Any IDs based on pics from anywhere can and will most likely be wrong. There are some species that are so distinct that it's easy to ID them from pics but most any hybrid...the best you might be able to do is guess at some of the parentage. Maybe. And that is a BIG maybe.
No matter...we do have a Mod and when she gets back from vaca...she will see your post. I am not offended by crass language...I have a bit of a potty mouth myself... but I respect others and therefore I would not use that language on here as it is offensive to some members.
When you're playing in someone else's sandbox...you play by their rules. Perhaps you would be wise to remember this. Just saying...