A bit different of a plant ID, is this a new pseudobulb or a new flower spike?
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A bit different of a plant ID, is this a new pseudobulb or a new flower spike?
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Old 08-01-2019, 10:08 PM
cmantheriault cmantheriault is offline
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A bit different of a plant ID, is this a new pseudobulb or a new flower spike? Male
Default A bit different of a plant ID, is this a new pseudobulb or a new flower spike?

Hey everyone! Haven’t posted in here before but have an exciting picture to show you and orchid based question and figured that I would ask all of you! So the beauty in question is a bollopetalum (Bollea x zygopetalum) specifically and I am wondering if the circled area, is a new pseudo bulb forming or flower spike. It certainly isn’t a new root as they look nothing alike and it looks similar to the dead stock you see on the right of the picture in the red box! I’m stumped, I’ve asked a few people and am getting mixed answers with some saying new pseudobulb and some saying new flower spike, lemme know what you all think!

A bit different of a plant ID, is this a new pseudobulb or a new flower spike?-68519891_10157363333932486_5750317342206722048_o-jpg

Thank you!
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Old 08-01-2019, 10:49 PM
neophyte neophyte is offline
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A bit different of a plant ID, is this a new pseudobulb or a new flower spike?

it's hard to tell right now, but you can check whether the previous flower stalk came from between two leaves of a pseudobulb or from the base (as it seems in the picture). usually, i think, new growths come from the base and inflorescences start from between leaves... but that's just from my limited experience. unless it's blooming season for zygopetalums in your area, i would assume it's a new growth. it's wait and see for now!
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Old 08-01-2019, 11:50 PM
OrchidBro OrchidBro is offline
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A bit different of a plant ID, is this a new pseudobulb or a new flower spike? Male

Looks like an "eye" for where a new pseudo bulb will grow from to me.
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Old 08-01-2019, 11:51 PM
cmantheriault cmantheriault is offline
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A bit different of a plant ID, is this a new pseudobulb or a new flower spike? Male

Originally Posted by OrchidBro View Post
Looks like an "eye" for where a new pseudo bulb will grow from to me.
If you don't mind me asking, what does an "eye" mean? would you be able to elaborate for my novice self?
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Old 08-02-2019, 12:10 AM
OrchidBro OrchidBro is offline
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A bit different of a plant ID, is this a new pseudobulb or a new flower spike? Male

From the AOS website - "eye — The bud of a sympodial orchid that will eventually develop into a new lead"

Basically, it is where new growths/offshoots will start to develop. Sometimes they can be a tiny bulge at the base of the orchid, or in this case, look like an inverted v. Different genus of orchid can have different looking eyes.

Last edited by OrchidBro; 08-02-2019 at 12:14 AM..
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Old 08-02-2019, 08:20 AM
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A bit different of a plant ID, is this a new pseudobulb or a new flower spike? Male

Originally Posted by cmantheriault View Post
If you don't mind me asking, what does an "eye" mean? would you be able to elaborate for my novice self?
It is the apical meristem of the rhizome, short as it may be.
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Old 08-02-2019, 11:06 AM
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I'm with new growth, not a spike.
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Old 08-02-2019, 12:14 PM
cmantheriault cmantheriault is offline
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A bit different of a plant ID, is this a new pseudobulb or a new flower spike? Male

I honestly have learned more through this site than I have from any other facebook garden group, reddit orchids, etc. Thank you all for the information and sound answers. So last night I was a bit curious as to what they roots looked like as I've still kept it in the nursery pot and was worried they were bad because some of the roots that are visible have died, but let me tell you what. they look AMAZING! I think I can say with some certainty there may be more roots than I've ever seen on an orchid of this size with absolutely no rot. However, it is quite root bound, So here comes the next question, when do you all think I should repot this orchid? After it stops growing? now? I don't want to mess up what's going on and have refrained from repotting as the nursery said since the plants doing so healthy I could let it wait, any who, I feel like I'm rambling so I'll end this paragraph with I hope everyone has a good day!

---------- Post added at 11:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 AM ----------

Originally Posted by neophyte View Post
unless it's blooming season for zygopetalums in your area, i would assume it's a new growth. it's wait and see for now!
If you wouldn't mind giving me a bit of information , what are the blooming seasons for zygo's and zygo hybrids?
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Old 08-02-2019, 01:39 PM
neophyte neophyte is offline
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A bit different of a plant ID, is this a new pseudobulb or a new flower spike?

winter, unless i'm mistaken...

as for repotting, i think the general advice is to wait until any new growth starts putting out roots.
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Old 08-02-2019, 02:29 PM
cmantheriault cmantheriault is offline
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A bit different of a plant ID, is this a new pseudobulb or a new flower spike? Male

I just went back to look at the picture because I could have sworn you could see like 10 new roots growing on the closest pseudobulb, the one with the eye growing on it then realized the picture shows nothing! there are tonssss so the means I SHOULD repot it?
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flower, picture, pseudobulb, question, spike

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