Phalaenopsis Pylo's Sofia 'Peter's Pride' HCC/AOS (79 pts)
Awarded 2017-03-11
6.2 cm x 6.8 cm NS
"5 elegently shingled flat garnet flowers and six buds on one branched inflorescence; sepals and petals finely barred depper garnet; lip deep garnet, side lobes white, stippled magenta distally; column white suffsed magenta; anther cap white, substance hard; texture waxy)
Phalaenopsis Pylo's Mustard 'Pear' HCC/AOS (75 pts)
Awarded 2017-03-11
6.2 cm NS x 7.0 cm
"3 flowers on one inflorescens, flowers mustard yellow diffused stippled brick-red increasing proximally coalescing into bars near the column; lip white distally magenta blending to orange to yellow; column white; substance firm; texture matte"
Phal (Tying Shin Golden Staff x Fureshing Acclaim) 'Pylo' HCC/AOS 79 pts
Awarded DJC 2017-03-11
11 cm NS, 10.6 cm
"11 rounded and full, striking well shingled flowers and 3 buds, on one arching, branched inflorescence; flowers white, heavily spotted, dark pink proximally becoming lighter distally"