Yesterday was my day off, and with the OB also taking a day off I found myself with a lot of time on my hands. Once laundry and yardwork were finished I used my online time to take some photos of current bloomers at the house. Though I grow mostly species, most of what's blooming now are hybrids.

This NoID mini is a rebloom. It originally bloomed in the summer. I discovered this morning that overnight a mouse at three of the four flowers.

Another reblooming NoID mini.

Another NoID, but from my largest and most vigorous plant. Peter Lin believes it to be Phal. Fuller's Sunset, which makes sense because...

...pardon the color variations in the pics, but this IS Fuller's Sunset (also in bloom) and both the plant and flowers are identical to the above NoID. These are my two biggest plants.
---------- Post added at 10:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 AM ----------
More once Photobucket is cooperating again.
---------- Post added at 11:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 AM ----------

P. Little Emperor has been in bloom for a couple of months and is now growing new buds.

Phal LongShu Easter Beauty, a bigfoot from Peter.

Phal World Class.
I'm sure I'm missing someone, but these are the hilights.