Hello everyone,
I have some isues with a phalaenopsis of mine. I bought this phal about 5 years ago and l never had one problem with her, but now they started. You see last late spring she produced a flower spike wich was pretty big, braching out like crazy, and she stoped producing roots or levaves and I tought it was because of the spike so it was fine. The flowers fell after 3 months but the spike did not dry and right after it decided to branch out and l decided to let her bloom again. Autum came and l had to move whyle she was still blooming (she was still not producing roots) but she still lost her oldest leaf. I decided, because the new place was a bit more humid, to repot her in a mix of bark and lecca because the blooms were old anyway, 3 months passed since they opened. After l repoted her the blooms fell but instead of starting producing roots and leafs the spike started to branch out again. I let her for a whyle but l was starting to panic a bit because on top of braching she started to finally produce a new leaf, so l cut the flower spike, but she still was not producing any new roots. So now I'm paniking even more and l decide to repot her again only in lecca because the bark was not of good quality and the roots were getting a bit brown, also I decide to cut the older part of the stem(axis) to see if she somehow she had caught fusarium, but no, she is clean. Now she is finally producing a tiny new root but she lost another leaf, seems to be loosing the next one too and on top of that the flower spike turned purple and now has a little nub under it, that l don't know what it is.
So if some of you have seen this before or have any idea on what she is doing l would be greatful if you would let me know. And It is not that this plant has any real value, but she is my verry first orchid and maybe some of you can understand the nostalgic value* this flower has to me.
Thank you for reading and any reply and so sorry for the long post.