When a phal's roots are compromised, it isn't getting enough water to support a spike, and the flowers don't open properly.
That's not the only reason possible for what's happening, but that's what strikes me as likeliest given
a) if the plant is in its normal position, I believe it isn't getting enough light
b) substitute care for a month
I would gently ease it out of its pot and have a look at the roots, see if there are any, especially new ones starting. Health and vigor for any plant, including orchids, starts with good roots.
If roots are poor, it needs to go into a small pot, with a little sphag in it til it revives with new roots.
I also believe this plant needs a lot more light than it's getting -- an east window with 2-3 hours sun a day would be ok. Less than that is not enough. Ease it gradually into more light.