Wisblos, I think you probably have two options. The first (and easiest) is to simply leave the keiki alone. Phalaenopsis, as well as several other vandaceous orchids, often produce keikis (babies, plantlets, or whatever other term you prefer) at their base. It doesn't mean that you've done anything wrong, or that action is required. It's simply in their nature to reproduce this way sometimes. Leaving the keiki on your phal' won't hurt the mother plant if the parent is healthy, and the plants may, with time, form their own colony. The second option is to wait until the keiki forms a few roots of its own, then carefully cut it away from the stem of the mother plant and pot it up in its own pot--sort of an insurance policy, if you will, in the event that something happens to the mother plant. Removing the keiki and giving it away can also be a nice way of introducing others to your growing hobby. Good luck with your plant. From what I can see in the picture you posted, it (they?) looks happy.