Well, I just touched-down in California and this the first time I've been home for a couple of years.

And lo-and-behold, my mother has been slowly killing some beautiful and large phals from my grandmother's funeral.
She's planted it in "orchid mix" but the crappy Miracle Gro one... Although, she did just recently buy the much higher quality "Better Grow" brand which seems to be a mix of bark and perlite. I removed from the 7" pot of mix (lol). And punched holes in the smallest 3" plastic pot, washed the Better Grow mix, and planted it.
I only snipped some of the brown stuff off but kept both roots. The white root was not squishy so I thought it was still viable.
I doused it in some Hydrogen Peroxide and then rinsed before setting it in the bark.
I don't have my typical fert... so I let a mm of the Miracle Grow "spikes" soak and crushed it (seems like a 20-10-20) and added additional water to weaken it and soaked the entire pot in that.
:\ not sure what else to do here or if all that's left is to wait and see.
Do you reckon I'll be able to take this guy from CA to NYC on a plane?