Don't really have any awesome picture of this one, but I really like it, and its worth considering if you ever see one.
Its really a beauty in real life.
It started blooming in the end of april, and is still blooming. One flower is about to go down, but still- all summer long, with this beautiful scent. It smells kinda fruity/lemon-ish, but still a pretty complex scent.
Started out more pink, and became more yellow during the summer.
Got it in april, in spike- so its gonna be interesting to see if it reblooms again next year.
Its been moved around, and I need to figure out how to pot it next year, its beauty doesnt show very well sitting in the windowsill. Think I need to have it hanging, the leaves will look nicer.
Its a pretty big plant, it needs some space, but very nice and easy plant so far. Blooms for three months after being moved and repotted, not bad at all. A keeper
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