My phals keep trying to spike. I have lost one spike and about to lose another. I can hardly see it but I know its a spike. What can I do to keep this from happening again?
my room swings +/- 10*C during the wintertime mornings and nights, so i wouldnt wry too much about that. but how low is ur lowest though. i know i have issues with my spikes when it gets too hot--i can get up to 30*C if im not careful.
Well temp isn't the issue then. The plant looks like it's sitting a little low in the pot. When you water it may be collecting in that low spot and rotting the spike. Make sure to wick up any excess with the corner of a paper towel. Other than that I'm out of ideas.
I'm going to suggest breezes as a culprit only because I am going through a bout with some Sedira japonica dropping spikes and the temps aren't the problem but the dryness might be.
I have them in a hot house/greenhouse. The humidity stays over 50% and there are no breezes. The roots are also healthy. Could the new growing leaf be slowing it down?