I know, I know… Old thread, but I’m curious!
We incidentally just had a Friday the 13th several days ago, and I remembered reading this post about two years ago. I came back to see if you’ve posted an update at all. I was impressed with how well you were able to rehabilitate it, and so quickly! Both pictures that you showed had very new, very cute, very bright green and healthy-looking roots coming out of the stem like little fighters, so I’m going to assume that “Lucky 13” has continued to be lucky for you… I have my fingers crossed that I’m right, because I really want you to have succeeded with this. Not only is it an absolutely beautiful-looking plant, but the fact that you brought it back from the brink makes seeing these new little roots a very happy sight! I know that by orchid number 13, you’ve kind of figured things out, you feel safe to maybe take chances maybe spending a little more on a single plant than you would have at, say, plant 2 or 3, but at 13, at least with me, I was far from an expert. Shoot, I’m beyond 213 now, and I’m still and will always be far from an expert, and now my climate is even on my side! But to have a major coup like you did with your little “Lucky 13” and how badly the orchid nursery had cared for it, how little they (apparently; not even the right genus??) knew about the plant… only for you to just step in and take care of business very calmly, and, at least as far as it looks from here, I think you were successful!
I know that it’s kind of unlikely that this will be read, but if you ever do, I just want you to know that your story of “Lucky 13” was really inspiring to me, who really has more orchids than I can fully appreciate anymore, and I need to reprioritize how I spend my time, so that I spend more time enjoying my hobby and just being around my orchids, instead of being grumpy because I have like 250 orchids in my house (and exploding out of it) but I don’t sit and talk to them anymore because I’ve started to watch stupid videos on YouTube. I used to watch them to help me with my orchids, but the “beauty gurus” can’t care for orchids, and the people from whom I used to get advice from regarding orchid culture have become somewhat unrelatable and even seemingly disingenuous now. I’m happy that I checked on this post, because it made me want to feel about my own family of orchids the way that you do about yours. Thank you so much!!