The one is a massive plant that grows sideways out of it's pot with roots everywhere. It's in a big pot, but I'm still not sure the pot is big enough.
It grew a massive branched spike which was in bloom over the summer. Then as the last flower was fading, and I had cut away all side spikes, I noticed that a little bit down from the tip of the main spike a new branch was growing. That branch lengthened and produced these flowers.
However the original spike bent under it's weight (you can see in the last picture). Rather than try and straighten it I just left it there bent, the flowers opened and have stayed open a few months now. I tend to find it's best not to straighten bent spikes, I seem to do more damage when I do, but when I just leave them they can often carry on flowering.
This one is a bit pinker than the white and red one I posted earlier. It also has more texture, though it's not a thick textured flower.