Originally Posted by Cntry
The I love you little gifts are the ones you will always remember because he did it out of love for you. Its not your birthday, anniversary or any other special day he remember. It the kind of gift every women loves. I sure miss them kind of gifts to, my late husband used to do that a few times a year.
Absolutely, it was such a surprise and just such a wonderful honest gift. He always says that we have too many orchids, and 'No more orchids this year' (even I said that) and we still get more when we go to shows or our orchid society, but this was something completely different.
With it he said that it is so I know how much he appreciates me - made my little heart melt completely! And I'm definitely not one for material gifts (for Christmas he gets a letter from me, for example).
All I can say, being married to your best friend and the person who knows you best has its perks!

---------- Post added at 06:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:39 AM ----------
Originally Posted by Mandy2705
I need to keep showing my BF these posts where lovely partners bring their loved ones orchids. Maybe he will get the hint lol what a wonderful gift! I think this one may be fragrant, you are one lucky woman. He sure knows how to pick them, I think I would shed a tear too if I was surprised with this one.
I always secretly hoped for a little surprise like this, but not this year (I have been very naughty when it comes to orchid buying and being out of control....). And especially because I turn little psycho when we drive by a nursery, I always insist we go in - so it was so cute that he stopped there on his own, said 'it was on his way home anyways'

I definitely recommend inspiring your boyfriend - it's much better than getting a bottle of bubble bath!

(though, if I think about it, there is nothing wrong with that either, but orchids always win, naturally

---------- Post added at 06:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:46 AM ----------
Originally Posted by kdennis14
Oh, I love your little cutie!!!! What a nice thing to do.
Such a tiny cutsie! And I have been bothering him about how much I want a mini phal for AGES now, but every time we found one, I didn't really like the colours, so we never got one. And now this little guy! The photos aren't great (not much light in the storage room, aka my sewing room), but it has hints of pink (my THE MOST favourite colour) and those little freckles