My first Orchid in Europe was a Phalaenopsis equestris I received from the "Palmengarten" in Frankfurt a.M. (Botanical garden), and of which I was told was a "retro-hybrid" (in other words, the species did not exist anymore in nature and was recovered through back hybrization) To be honest, I never believed the story but found it interesting (especially as it came from the curator of the orchids house). Anyway, it also happened that my cat loved to eat the flowers more than my partner liked the plant, but it also loved to puke them on our trendy white carpet... so... Phal. equestris had to leave the appartment (otherwise it would have been my partner!)
Now I decided to go back to this lovelly species, and maybe to start a small collection of different forms: tipo, alba, aurea, leucothante, "blue lip", coerulea (if I ever manage to find one!) and so on...
my questions to the experts:
1.- What is the difference betwen "aurea" and "leucothante" forms?
2.- How rare is the "Blue lip" form? (this has quite a high price in Europe! for a Phal equestris, I mean - but payable and also worthy: it's just beautiful)
3.- What exactly are the "ilocus" and the "Aparri" forms?
4.- and last but not least, many of the "albas" I have found have certainamounts of yellow on the lips (just a slight touch!). For me this would not count as alba, as I would expect a perfect white flower... am I right with this assumption for this species?