I got this plant last summer from Carmela and it had a hard time adjusting to my care. It did bloom for me, but blasted a lot of buds--even the buds that formed exactly where it bloomed. I think maybe it's sort of sensitive to cold, and that wasn't the best for my Boston windowsill. It has 4 good roots, two of which have started growing again, and it has started a new leaf. I'm confident it's going to bounce back, but since I'm trying to thin the herd, I only want to take plants with me in my move that are really thriving before I go changing their cultural situation.
Btw, when it did bloom, it made a LOT of buds! I'd love to see this in someone's house chock full of flowers. With the right culture, it will be!
You pay priority shipping. This one might be a bit more than $6 because of its size, but I don't expect it to be more than $10.
Reply here if you want it! I'll ship it Wednesday of next week.