Joy Spring Tina 'Anaconda'
Bear King x gigantea
Brecko Royosa 'Markie'
Ho's Dreamy Jade
Not easy to get a pic. It has 32 flowers and multiple buds.
Joy Dreamy Jade 'Joy #3'
Joy Spring Canary 'Joy' AM/AOS
Joy Spring Canary 'Orange'
Joy Spring Tina 'Tina'
Lonnie Morris 'Nationwide' AM/AOS
Lyndon Gold Ring
Not sure I have the name right on this one.
(mannii (black) x Yungho Gelb Canary)
A JimL cross
Mituo King
Pylo's Passion Wing (#1)
Pfaing's Ambotratea 'Big Leaf Orchid'
(Pfaing's Ambotratea x Yungho Gelb Canary)
(Timmothy Christopher x lobbii)
This has a name, but I don't know what it is. Edward Quimsenburg?
Tying Shin Fly Eagle 'Cherry Bomb'
Tying Shin Forever Love 'Golden Beauty' FCC/AOS
Tying Shin Golden City
Tying Shin Golden Rose 'Hung'
Yaphon Nice Girl (Redlands 2012)