Thanks TV but it's root have grown just fine .. it just took a little time for the roots to finally develop but they did. I just needed a little patience
hi , I just came across this thread and am seeing now that I have a keiki growing..the problem for me is that my spike is getting yellower and yellower..looks extremely unhealthy & I also noticed that the new root that had grown is getting black spots on it and looking really scared for my orchid..what should i do??..the leaves are still beautiful and as full as ever...
Dorothy, I hope it's OK to revive an old thread... yours is especially intriguing as I've not yet found such nice photos of keiki growth. Whatever became of yours? Did you detach them and plant in their own pots?
Well look at that... I had glanced at her avatar but didn't make the connection. I certainly see it now and I feel bad I wasn't more observant. It's sad to learn of someone passing, but even more so when it's someone who was only just touching into middle age. Too young to be taken!
What a wonderful tribute though, the angel avatar.
Last edited by cythaenopsis; 07-20-2011 at 03:08 PM..