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Actually Phals don't usually miss a beat if re-potted during bloom. Some will lose a few flowers. Often, if you wait till they are finished their rather long bloom period, the roots will have suffered a lot from being in tight wet sphagnum. So many people do re-pot while in bloom.
If you moved it from wet tight moss conditions to a rather open dry mix like bark, just make sure that you are watering it more often. However, don't leave the roots sitting in water for more than 1/2 hour and let it approach drying before watering. Sometimes the roots struggle a bit to adapt to a very different media. I like to mix moss and medium bark and put it in a good well draining pot. The moss will hold a bit of extra moisture until the new bark is a bit seasoned and able to hold some on its own. If you use a clear pot, you can see what is going on in the root zone. Green roots are still wet and silver white ones are dry.