One of my Phalaenopsis just recently bloomed and yesterday I realized that I have a double flower on one stem (not sure if I am explaining myself correctly). Is this normal? It looks like siamese Has this happened to any of your Phals before? Any help or advise will be greatly appreciated.
Flowers with extra petals, sepals and/or lips happen occasionally. Sometimes this can be triggered by environmental conditions at a critical (very early) stage of bud development. Yours went to extremes, but it isn't terribly unusual, and usually doesn't happen again with the next spike.
It's mutation.
I had a white phal with many flowers and only one was a freak of nature like yours.
It looked just that as if two flowers were fused together. lol
Have you considered preserving it somehow? I've thought of going to a craft store and see if there is a way to mold an acrylic cube around a bloom- has anyone tried that?