I bought my first mini the night before Thanksgiving. It is doing well, blooming and seemingly having it's own little party. The blooms are a beautiful deep golden yellow with fuchsia/purple lines radiating from the center. That's about as close to an ID as you'll get...LOL Here is the problem with this little guy, I think I overwatered when I first got it or the window may have been too cold. I have since moved it away from the window, and put a skewer in the pot with it. I will not water again until the skewer comes out dry. Issue - leaves yellowed only the bottom two, I am thinking it was more of a too cool situation then overwatering though since my roots are a beautiful green and solid, not mushy and no discoloration.
Then I bought a second phael, yes I am a glutton for punishment and beauty. Again, beautiful big healthy blooms, excellent roots, lots of correctly colored air roots as well, but it has a split leaf. The leaf is healthy and thriving, just not pretty. Oh, and this was obviously a dyed specimen, I know it won't rebloom the color it is now, that's fine, call it beginners rose colored glasses...

Either or do, I leave the split leaf or cut it off?
The final question is on some of the phaels I notice ribbing in the leaves, what causes this? Their media is damp leading me to believe that it is not lack of water. All roots look great and viable. Could there not be enough humidity?
I think that is about all I have as far as questions right now. Certainly glad that I found this forum to help me along and keep me from killing anything..