Originally Posted by Leafmite
They are all just fantastic!
While I am finding some phals easy to grow from seedling size, I failed with violacea and bellina (and had to buy them mature).
Dude (or Dudette)

...... seedling size bellina and violacea can be really hard, so don't feel bad. I think the reason I have had good luck is because I have let mine get too dry. It slows down the time until they mature, but at least most of them make it.
Originally Posted by Leafmite
I am guessing that the novelties from Big Leaf would take the same skill-level as the violacea and bellina
Again, I find violacea and bellina hard also. The hybrids are easier, but any small novelty seems to be tricky to me until about 6" and then it will put out a big leaf and you are home free as long as you are reasonably good to it.
Originally Posted by Leafmite
so I will just admire and enjoy the pictures you post of yours. Thank you so much for sharing. 
Thanks. I'll bet you are better than you think. Every now and then Big Leaf has a Princess Kaiulani 'Chin Yo' for sale. Maybe he has one now. Amazing flower and usually around $35 so not bad. I think they are pretty easy and vigorous. Try that one.
---------- Post added at 06:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:53 PM ----------
Originally Posted by Oscarman
Do you notice an influence of Phal. gigantea on the speed of growth (slower) or the plant size (larger) before flowering occurs when gigantea is used and a parent with another hybrid?
Such as in the case of your: Phalaenopsis LD Mok Chio (Ld's Bear Queen x gigantea)
Phalaenopsis Pylo's Giga Eagle (gigantea x Dragon Tree Eagle)
With the hybrids I think they bloom earlier, but that is relative. They still don't bloom first time on a 4-6" plant like other novelties. It takes a larger plant which, yes seems to take longer to get to. So you are right. They bloom on smaller plants than gigantea, but they still grow slow so getting to that 8-10" takes longer but not as long as getting to the 18" of gigantea.
The first flower of (Tiger Butter x bellina) above used bellina as the pod parent. This plant bloomed for me on a 8" plant that I have had since it was a 2" seedling. The second flower of that cross came from a different source that used the Tiger Butter as pod parent. One leaf of that plant is as big as the other.
Love my novelties. Hope I can get some of you interested.