Phalaenopsis Pinlong Cheris 'Fragrance #2' (in bloom)
This orchid caught my attention by its lovely pastel pink flowers, mottled shiny leaves and its pleasant subtle floral fragrance.
My Phalaenopsis culture involves windowsill light, oscillating fan that comes on top of a 2 gallon electric humidifier that provides it consistent moisture. The plant is in medium Phalaenopsis mix watered once a week together with K-lite fertilizer and seaweed mix.
Phals do very well as houseplants and will grow and flower in a moderately bright windowsill. Each year a Phalaenopsis will grow one or two new leaves in the warmer months. Once the growth phase is complete= usually in the fall, it would have gathered enough energy to produce a bloom spike that springs forth from the stem beneath the second or third leaf from the top. Sometimes we have to help a Phalaenopsis that is grown in a consistently warm home to realize it is fall by allowing it to experience lower temperatures (60's) for several nights ( 4 to 5 weeks) in order to set a bloom spike or inflorescence. I usually put it out of the window at night to experience the cooler temps and bring it indoors once again in the morning.