Me too, new to this. I have tried on two types of Phal.
It's takes about 6 weeks for the leaf appearing. Attached are two photos on two types of Phal.
The 1st photo. the bottom keiki has also start to develop a root at the back end of it.
The 2nd photo the lower keiki also has leaf like appearing but not the top keiki. The top keiki looks like a spike to me. not able to tell yet will up date as it goes.
Hi, KC. So glad to find someone else who's doing this! Couldn't figure out how to enlarge your pictures, so I'm afraid I haven't seen your keiki's yet.
But the information about 6 weeks for a leaf to appear is really good news. That's a lot faster than I expected.
If there's any other information about your keiki project you want to share, I'll be delighted to hear all about it.
Hi, KC. So glad to find someone else who's doing this! Couldn't figure out how to enlarge your pictures, so I'm afraid I haven't seen your keiki's yet.
Hi, your can enlarge the pictures twice.. 1st click on the pic that's the first enlargement and for the 2nd enlargement click the pic again. hope that will help.
KeikiPro can certainly be used to promote growth of back eyes. I have done it many, many, many times. Mix it with water at the rate of 2 drops per ounce of water, and then spray it on the growth stem / rhyzome of your plant when you see the lead eye become active. That is important, don't just do it "any old time" do it when you see active growth. It can, if done at that time break the dormancy of back eyes. Good luck with your efforts!
hey guys! this is all so new to me, but i jumped in heads first! i ordered keiki paste and used it on all my phals and a couple epis. a couple of my phals have developed spikes instead of keikis. but, one epi, seems like over night, is developing 2 keikis and doing so fast!! i am so lost on how to read my replys etc, like i said so new to it all!, i need someone to please e-mail me and tell me when to pull a seed capsule off the mother plant. i'm afraid i've left some on to long! thanks