Phal. Wedding Promenade
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Old 12-17-2007, 10:15 PM
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Default Phal. Wedding Promenade

Bought this over the weekend at Ikea. The tag says Phal. Wedding Promenade but can't find this flower to match the name. Can anyone tell me if this is truely a Phal. Wedding Promenade.
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Phal. Wedding Promenade-s5000713-jpg  
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Old 12-17-2007, 10:36 PM
puddin puddin is offline
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Either that is a Phal. Wedding Promenade, or mine is. I have one under that name, but it's dark red except around the edges, which is white. It's very waxy, thick looking. I got my at Lowe's, though, so who knows if it's right or not. It's not in bloom at the moment, and I don't think I have a picture of it in bloom. I'll see.
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Old 12-17-2007, 11:45 PM
Sandy4453 Sandy4453 is offline
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Cheryl, the problem (though not really a problem) with this hybrid is that there's been so much breeding of the Wedding Promenade that there's not just one in particular but many different looking (but similar) and all are classified by this name. I've got 3 exactly like the one in your pic, same name and as well, my avatar is also a WP, so go figure. (I'm almost sure though my avatar is a Golden Peoker and maybe because of what I'm about to tell you, now suspect that the label was deliberatly changed to WP.)

I learned some very interesting news this evening that I want to share with you and all else who read this.

I was talking with a nursery in Miami today; they are the number one breeders of Phals in this country for over 35 years now. They've won all sorts of awards, sell all over the world. The owner told me not to buy from IKEA and the big chain stores (in particular, WalMart.) She said that all these plants that end up at these stores have been tested in the labs and rejected because more than not, carry viruses so, then go to sub distributors who do close outs making .25 - .50 cents on each plant. I've bought many Phals from Walmart and just lost my first one (the avatar pic....heartbroken) to what I thought was a bacterial infection. When I told the nursery owner about it, she asked if I had bought it at one of these stores....that's how the conversation got started. I'm just the messenger and it's definitely something to think about in the future.

I hope I didn't rain on your parade I make it a practice to repot all store bought orchids as soon as I get them home and I've returned at least 25% of the ones I bought from WalMart and I never necessarily thought it was because of where they may have come (except for 1) but knowing what I found out today, it doesn't surprise me now why I did a lot of returning. On the bright side, 2 of the 3 I've got like yours are now in spike and these Phals are over a year old and still growing strong!

I hope this continues to bloom bigger and more beautiful flowers with each successive year for you.

Last edited by Sandy4453; 12-17-2007 at 11:52 PM..
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Old 12-19-2007, 12:48 AM
mehitabel mehitabel is offline
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Phal. Wedding Promenade Female

Hi, justatypin. Your picture doesn't look like the Wedding Promenade pictures I've seen.

Looks more like I-Hsin Freckle, or some other Leopard Prince hybrid.

Check out the Freckle at Carmela's at this url. Wedding Promenade is on p. 2

(Carmela Orchids - Hakalau, HI) Phalaenopsis Clones
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Old 12-19-2007, 02:35 AM
shakkai shakkai is offline
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Cheryl, In looking through tons of photos of Phals novelties, I would have to agree with Sandy. These crosses have been made and remade so many times and with so many different clones there is a really huge variation in them. Add to that the cloning variations you get with the Golden Poeker types and it just boggles the mind.

Cheryl, you've got a really pretty flower, no matter what the name! If it were me, I'd stick with the one it came with.

As for what the nursery owner told you, Sandy. I think I would take it with a small pinch of salt. It could be true in some cases, but I think its impossible to make blanket statements like that. (And the nursery does have a vested interest in getting people to buy from them rather than from anywhere else.....)
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Old 12-19-2007, 06:25 AM
cupcake cupcake is offline
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Phal. Wedding Promenade Female

It's a beauty whatever it's called!
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Old 12-19-2007, 07:24 PM
Sandy4453 Sandy4453 is offline
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Originally Posted by shakkai View Post
As for what the nursery owner told you, Sandy. I think I would take it with a small pinch of salt. It could be true in some cases, but I think its impossible to make blanket statements like that. (And the nursery does have a vested interest in getting people to buy from them rather than from anywhere else.....)
Shakkai, yes, I thought of that too but this nursery has no vested interest in taking business away from anyone. They're highly successful and are not looking to monopolize the market. They were merely giving me suggestions as to what could have gone wrong with my Phal. and immediately suspected that it came from one of these stores because of their experience in knowing the chain of events with rejected, sick orchids from the labs. No, it's not gospel but some information to consider and that I appreciated them sharing with me and I'm glad to pass on to others.
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Old 12-19-2007, 09:17 PM
babe babe is offline
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Phal. Wedding Promenade
Question Light for Blooming orchids

OK I know that you can put Phals just about anywhere when they are in flower. How abou Paphs and Milatonias ect.....I would like to put my bloomers about 5 feet away from a southwest window and I live in Michigan.
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Old 12-19-2007, 10:34 PM
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Wow, great response and definitely a learning thread. When I worked in garden at Home Depot we bought our phals from a vendor in Miami. Whether it was virused or not is only in the eyes of the purchasers ... truly noted Sandy and from what I have learned from our vendors I would not deny what is possibly the inevitable. The conditions in which these plants are raised would be enough for them to merely stay on the shelves verses a purchase. I am speaking for the depot only and out of due respect to other box type stores our vendors are contracted to make sure upon delivery that if a plant (in this case orchid) is a blooming plant it's to be delivered in bloom. The force blooming environment would definitely compromise any living plant. At this time, it is what it is with hopes of a normal re blooming cycle.

I appreciate the feedback and all the information given but your right I am with you shakkai the orchid is tagged and it's made residency.
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Old 12-19-2007, 10:36 PM
Jerry Delaney Jerry Delaney is offline
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A few years back, we were looking at a Dtps Ever Spring Prince for a quality award. Golden Poeker is one of the parents. A long time Phal grower and hybridizer stated that the quantity and size of spotting was mostly influenced by the growing temperature. Not being a big Phal person, I have no idea if this is true but it might explain the wide variation seen in Golden Poeker hybrids. Maybe someone out there can comment on this.
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