Hello all!
Yesterday i found this phal in the garden spot of a shopping mall
There were dozens of phals on the clearance shelves, near the check-out and i sadly understood the conditions of the mall flowers: all the phals had at least 1 inch of water in the bottom of the pot (so the lowest roots were sailing in the water
), i also poured some water on the underlying shelf
when i lifted up a pot to see the roots
The only pot that wasn't soaking wet is the one i bought
There is some condensation on the pot "walls" (don't know if "walls" is the correct term
), but the
soil seems dry...
I used the "skewer method" to check the umidity in the center of the medium and it came out pretty humid/wet...
In spite of this, the outer roots seems dry (so now i don't know if i have to water or not
The phal is in a bark+soil mix (to be more precise, there is 1 inch of bark on the top and everything else is soil
), probably i have to repot the phal in only bark
Having said all this (oh and sorry for the big chatting
) these are the pics:
The foreground flower is damaged (the colums is missing
The leaves:
Here it seems a new spike is sprouting from the right-side leaf
The inner roots and the condensation: