I went to the 10th TIOS(Taiwan International Orchid Show) and took tons of photos. The park can be briefly divided into 3 categories, orchids for decoration, orchids for competition and orchids for sale. I selected some photos of phalaenopsis in the competition area. Hope you enjoy them!
Phal. Sogo Yukidian ‘V3’CCE/AOS 92 Points from Sunpride. It’s the champion in all groups. One phal. has 2 spikes and around 60 flowers in bloom. I’m not sure how many flowers in total, because too crowed in front of this area, which all the champions in each group are displayed in.
Mini phals.
I can’t see the leaves!
Big lip phal.
6 spikes in total!
I love this one.
This one looks like real butterflies in the sky.
Last edited by topiarybud; 08-22-2014 at 11:39 AM..