This phal caught my eyes because it looked a little bit like schilleriana from a distance. I guessed that it might have fragrance like schilleriana. Bingo! It’s fragrant, but the scent is light. The seller came close to introduce this NOID, when I tried to find one with stronger scent. He said that this is a hybrid of schilleriana, can see the proof from the rather long and narrow leaves. This is the first year blooming, will get more flowers like schilleriana next year. But also like schilleriana, individuals are not all alike, only some are scented. Somehow, the seller seemed like to get rid of these plants eagerly, offered a price that made me surprised. $50NTD($1.67USD) each. I could tell that the flowers weren’t in perfect condition, even though, the price is far cheaper than I thought for a healthy blooming phal.
It looks a lot like a Phal hybrid that one of our members of Orkidéprat (Swedish orchid forum) posted, and it definitely looks like it has both schill and equestris in it, and something else too, probably. It's a cute NoID and I hope it'll grow well for you.